I’m excited to have been given the opportunity to talk at SUNY School of Optometry about “Digital Image Processing in Modern Optics Research”. The talk was about neural networks, machine learning, their use in face detection in an effort to understand and prevent myopia progression and was part of a series of colloquia by the Schnurmacher Institute.
As promised, I am sharing the presentation and two demo apps that were featured in the talk:
- The presentation (PDF): Applications of Digital Image Processing in Modern Optics Research.
- Demo Android App showing how to use the Google Vision API face detection to detect facial landmarks, and determine if a person is smiling or blinking. This is almost entirely based on the fantastic work by Ezequiel Adrian. It is especially valuable because it contains both Camera 1 and Camera 2 API implementations: Demo Android App for Face Detection
- Demo Android App showing how to use the built-in hardware light-meter: Demo Android App for Measuring Light